Thursday, July 03, 2014

Help for the helpful

They slapped me pappy 'til he was happy.

The wellspring of justice done run out of water as a result.

I drank it all.  On the rocks.  MOON ROCKS. Backgammon.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Worth the wait?

Retardo Bombardo.

There, much better.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Galoob Gauguin

Poowoo, Paaaa
Paaaa, Poowoo
Precious Poments

Pen pill pie pee poo pagan?
Pen pill pee pear precious poments?
Pill pie pave poo pate porever
Pill pie pave poo puffer pand pry pe pole pight proo?

Pen pill pie pee poo pagan?
Pen pill par parts peat pogether
Par pee pin pove pour pust priends
Piss piss pie peginning pour piss piss pee pend?
Pen pill pie pee poo pagan
(Pen pill pie pee poo pagan)
Pen pill pie pee poo pagan

Paaaa, Poowoo
Precious poments

Par pee pin pove pour pust priends
Piss piss pie peginning pour piss piss pee pend?
Pen pill pie pee poo pagan
(Pen pill pie pee poo pagan)
Pweet pweet pove puff pine
(Pen pill pie pee poo pagan)
Pen pill pie pee poo pagan
(Pen pill pie pee poo pagan)
Pen pill pie pee poo pagan

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Meat Cutters

"This is Emil Gumm, with Amalgamated Amalgamations, Amalgamated. Can I help you?"

Thursday, July 12, 2007



Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Gnome; Gnorm Gno Longer....

Reach for it. Choose your fate! Walk away from the haunted house and get the worst ending. It is so up to you. Bargain with the chief, but never reach the forbidden city. Blow the horn too early, and you might be underwater. Watch out!!! You're aging backwards! Bummer, egg boy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tacos: now, later, forever

WARNING: Energy is very energetic.